Orange County Community Meeting

Community Meeting Alert – 12/15/2014

Lake Pickett Cluster Plan Community Meeting Notice

There is a community meeting planned for Dec 15th at 6:30 pm at the Corner Lakes Middle School Cafeteria. Address is 1700 Chuluota Road, Orlando, FL 32820. Click Rezoning #RZ-14-12-031 to view the meeting information.

Why should you absolutely attend this meeting?

This is part of the entitlements I briefly spoke about recently. This will add another 500 homes out on Lake Pickett Road which will add 1,000 cars to the already congested roadways. I live in University Estates on McCulloch Road so why should I care? The reason this is so important to me and should be to you is because this will put more commuters on the roadways and many of them aren’t taking 50 to get to work. They are taking alternate routes that circumvent 50 and one being McCulloch Road. Any East-West roadway is an alternative to 50 so if you travel these roads expect more time to get to work when these houses are built. And of course expect more traffic on 50 also.

The BCC will eventually vote on this zoning change and we need to be involved. Come to the meeting and express your concern about the existing infrastucture to the Orange County staff and stop development in this area until there is a concrete plan to fix it. We cannot allow what has gone on in the past to continue. It must change and we are the ones to change it.

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