3/8/2016 – Take a bike ride with me from the UCF Student Union to the Tivoli apartments

Take a bike ride with me from the UCF Student Union to the Tivoli apartments on McCulloch Road and hear how a few improvements on McCulloch might get more students onto bikes and out of their cars which will relieve congestion on the roads as well as the parking garages at UCF.

Bikes are a very convenient and economical way of commuting and in a short distance work better than cars. I should know, I have been commuting to UCF from my home every day for the past six years no matter what the weather. I am not alone. In other place, it is the preferred way of travel and if other places are successful with this, we should be too.

We not only can make this work but we must make this work.

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Posted in Bike and Pedestrian Safety, McCulloch Road, UCF.