Planning and Zoning

6/17/2015 – Email supporting Lake Pickett Applications

Below is the email I wrote to the Planning and Zoning Commission in support of the Lake Pickett Applications.

From: []
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 8:54 PM
To: Olan Hill (); ‘’
Cc: ‘'; ‘'; ‘'; ‘'; ‘jennifer thompson'; ‘'; ‘'; ‘'; ‘'; ‘'; ‘'; ‘'; ‘’
Subject: Proposed Lake Pickett Development Text Amendment Applications

Mr. Hill,

Would you please forward my email on to the members of the Local Planning Authority in preparation for the upcoming meeting on Thursday.  This is in regards to the Lake Pickett property applications.

I am stating that I am in favor of these developments with the reasons below.

This is the third attempt to develop the Lake Pickett properties.  The first time I was mostly an observer but did have the occasion to visit Mary Lamar on her property for a show and tell.  The second I was strongly opposed because there was no plan for traffic and it made no sense to put homes on the properties without a plan for the roadways.  This time I am strongly in favor of the Lake Pickett developments because a plan is in motion to responsibly develop these properties while at the same time fix the traffic issues.  There are many others who feel the same way and live in my community of University Estates and the surrounding communities.  This is evidenced by the number of likes and reads of posts on the Facebook website I created at and my blog site at

  • I believe these developments are compatible and consistent with the comprehensive plan.
  • I believe the agreements that will be forged after transmittal will establish a wise plan on how these properties will be developed as well as protect the rights of the residents who live in the area.
  • I believe these developments will cement in stone no commercial or high density housing on S. Tanner Road giving the residents who live there the rural lifestyle they now enjoy.
  • The same is true for Lake Pickett Road and 419 north of Lake Pickett Road also giving the residents who live there the rural lifestyle they now enjoy.
  • I believe these developments will stop the uncontrolled spread of urban sprawl to this area through responsible development using the latest Transect development techniques being used by Orange County.
  • There has been talk about these developments being urban sprawl.  I believe it will be urban sprawl if these properties are developed individually and without a global plan as is being proposed this time.  If these applications are denied, urban sprawl will continue as it has with haphazard small developments and Orange County forced to approve in the name of consistency and compatibility.  Eventually Lake Pickett will be developed.  This may be the only opportunity to plan the whole area as one and truly have responsible planned development.
  • I believe these concepts will promote walk-able communities that are also in close proximity to one of Orlando’s five economic hubs and if the roads are planned right these communities will be in commuting range by cyclists to UCF and Research Park reducing energy consumption.
  • Regarding traffic, I believe the money these developments will provide coupled with the recent announcement of 200 million in transportation funding by Orange County will empower Orange County to make the necessary improvements to the roads so needed in East Orange County.  It will literally erase the neglect from the past and put a plan in motion to fix these roads.  Even with the money Orange County is borrowing, it alone will not be enough to make all the necessary improvements.  This holds true for the money from the developers.  That money is not enough but put both sources together there could be enough to get us where we need to be.   This is exactly the plan we need.
  • I want to make this point very clear seeing there are signs all over the place frightening people with the thought of 15,000 more cars on the road.  I am OK with 15,000 more cars if they can get to their destinations faster and safely.  I am NOT OK with even one more car on the road with the current traffic congestion.  I feel people out here have been ramped up using traffic as the hot button.  And it has worked.  Everyone is fine tuned to the traffic issues as evidenced by the last community meeting.   We all want the roads fixed.  I don’t think anyone will disagree with that and say they don’t want the roads fixed.  This is one point that everyone is in agreement.  This is the golden opportunity to fix the roads.
  • But the residents also don’t want changes to the rural character of the area.  I understand the fear of losing a way of life.  I think if done right these people will have their way of life.  Here is a little story to bring this to life.  My property backs up to UCF property.  My house is one of the closest to a 45,000 capacity football stadium.  But walking out my back yard and looking towards the stadium, I might as well be in the middle of Lake Pickett.  All I see are trees.  I don’t know that a gigantic stadium is there and I certainly don’t know there are building upon building on a campus that holds 61,000 students.  But it is there and it is about ¼ mile from my house.  I believe LPS and LPN have listened to the residents and have placed buffers and large lots on S. Tanner, Lake Pickett and 419 and when complete, the residents who live there will not even know there is a community inside the property.  The alternative is to piecemeal the property with many small applications submitted to planning and who knows what could happen.  There might even be a strip mall on S. Tanner as there is right behind O’Berry Hoover  Road.  I think they call it “Waterford Lakes”.  This is the time to do this right and plan this community as one.
  • I also believe these planned developments will allow the county to more easily control the environmental impact to the community and protect the Econ basin again through responsible planned development.  Again, small developments cannot possible be controlled as easily as one very large one.

Please approve these applications to move through transmittal so East Orange County can move forward and close this chapter on the Lake Pickett properties and also begin the road repairs we so desperately need in East Orange County.


RJ Mueller

Posted in East Orange County Traffic, Orange County Comprehensive Plan, Orange County Planning & Zoning.