6/18/2015 – LPA meeting notes

My public comment for the Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting on June 18th, 2015

This is my third and hopefully final go around with the Lake Pickett properties.  The first I was an observer.  The second I was strongly opposed because there was no plan for traffic.  This time I am strongly in favor of the Lake Pickett developments because a plan is in motion to responsibly develop these properties while at the same time fix the traffic issues.

  • I agree and support the staff recommendation for transmittal.
  • I have faith the agreements forged during the adoption phase will guide how these properties will be developed as well as protect the rights of the residents who live in the area.
  • I believe this text amendment will cement in stone no commercial or high density housing on S. Tanner Road giving the residents who live there the rural lifestyle they now enjoy.  The same is true for Lake Pickett Road and 419.
  • There has been talk about these developments being urban sprawl.  I don’t believe that theory.  I do believe there will be urban sprawl if these properties are developed individually and without this comprehensive plan using transect-based strategies.  Eventually Lake Pickett will be developed.  This is the best opportunity to plan the whole area as one and truly have responsible planned development.
  • Regarding traffic, I believe the money these developments will provide coupled with the recent announcement of 200 million in transportation funding by Orange County will empower Orange County to make the necessary improvements to the roads so needed in East Orange County.  It will literally erase the neglect from the past and put a plan in motion to fix these roads.  We know the money Orange County is borrowing is not enough to make all the necessary improvements to this area.  This holds true for the money from the developers.  But put both sources together and there could be enough to get us where we need to be and is exactly the plan everyone has been so passionate and vocal about.  Every single person wants traffic fixed and should embrace this plan!
  • I want to make this point very clear seeing there are signs all over the place frightening people with the thought of 15,000 more cars on the road.  I am OK with 15,000 more cars if they can get to their destinations faster and safely.  I am NOT OK with even one more car on the road with the current traffic congestion.

I have faith, believe and trust that Commissioner Edwards, the mayor, commissioners, yourselves and staff will do everything possible to ensure the rights of the citizens in East Orange County are respected and protected.  Please approve this text amendment so East Orange County can move forward and begin the repairs we so desperately need.

Ran out of time so I could not finish.  Here is the last paragraph that I wanted to read.

I have a few seconds left so I would like to get a bit personal.  To agree to this is truly a leap of faith.  Many people I have talked to tell me past stories of promises broken.  Roads that were suppose to go in that did not materialize or subdivisions that did not look anything like what was first shown.  I hear it but won’t believe it until I see it for myself but it is my biggest concern.  That “The Grow” will be “The Woe” and “Sustany” will be “Catastrophe”.  I want this approved but we must ensure that what is promised is delivered and the roads are fixed.  This is the beginning of a long process that will take years.  I only ask we stay focused and always keep this vision in mind.  All of this has to work together or there is no point in moving forward.

Posted in BCC.